Come shop in our thrift store to help save lives! Our 100% volunteer operated thrift store exists solely to help fund Peppermint Pig Animal Rescue. 100% of the proceeds from the store go directly to help animals in need!
Our loyal, and generous supporters make it possible to provide the very best in care for our rescue pets. Your donations of items to our thrift store as well as cash donations online, in our store or via mail, are critical for our rescue mission.
Our 501(c)(3) status with the IRS makes your donations tax deductible. We need your financial support to continue our mission to save lives. The average cost to completely vet a healthy dog coming into our rescue, on average, is roughly between $200-$300; and that doesn’t cover food, treats, bedding, or any of the other miscellaneous items required to maintain a pet in our care.
All of the items in our store have been donated by people just like you to help save lives!
If you would like to donate items for our thrift store, please bring them to our store during store hours. Our thrift store is located at 8454 Beechmont Ave, and we are open Wednesday-Friday from 11:00am-4:30pm and every Saturday from 12:00pm-4:00pm. We accept gently used clothing (all types), household items, books, jewelry, small appliances, furniture in good condition, holiday items.
Items we are unable to accept include: TV’s, large appliances, computer equipment, and mattresses.